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Caamora Project from / with Clive Nolan

Started by Proglady, Mon, 2006-08-14, 00:14:19

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Hi Folks,

is someone able to tell me more about this Band or Project Caamora ??? All I know is, that Clive Nolan is involved in this.  ::) Oh, and they are playing a gig together with Galahad in November 17th in Holland, Borderje! (I know that I didn't write it the right way)

Thanks Proglady!


Caamora, is het nieuwe project van Clive Nolan, die we kennen van Arena, Pendragon, Shadowland en Neo. In 2005 kwam Nolan in contact met de Poolse zangeres Agneiszka. Momenteel zijn beide druk in de weer met een musical versie van de novelle "She". In 2007 zal dit project het levenslicht zien. Aan dit album zullen maar liefst 40 muzikanten meewerken. Tot die tijd zullen beiden duo-optredens met de nieuwe songs ten gehore brengen.

Het voorprogramma Kramer zal deze concertavond openen. De band komt voort uit de formatie Lorian. Op dit moment werkt de band aan het project "Lifecycle", dat geinspireerd is door de cd "Brave" van Marillion. Kramer verzorgde eerder voorprogramma's voor Manfred Mann's Earth Band en de Golden Earring.

HELP, HELP, its not in english. Could one of you nice kind Dutchmen translate this for all us non Dutch reading people, please?


Quote from: johninblack on Mon, 2006-08-14, 02:06:24
Caamora, is het nieuwe project van Clive Nolan, die we kennen van Arena, Pendragon, Shadowland en Neo. In 2005 kwam Nolan in contact met de Poolse zangeres Agneiszka. Momenteel zijn beide druk in de weer met een musical versie van de novelle "She". In 2007 zal dit project het levenslicht zien. Aan dit album zullen maar liefst 40 muzikanten meewerken. Tot die tijd zullen beiden duo-optredens met de nieuwe songs ten gehore brengen.

Het voorprogramma Kramer zal deze concertavond openen. De band komt voort uit de formatie Lorian. Op dit moment werkt de band aan het project "Lifecycle", dat geinspireerd is door de cd "Brave" van Marillion. Kramer verzorgde eerder voorprogramma's voor Manfred Mann's Earth Band en de Golden Earring.

HELP, HELP, its not in english. Could one of you nice kind Dutchmen translate this for all us non Dutch reading people, please?

Okay here we go. I tried my best on it, so if there are any errors in it, please forgive me.  ;)


"Caamora" is a new project of Clive Nolan, known from Arena, Pendragon, Shadowland and Neo.
In 2005 Clive met the polish singer Agneiszka. Both are busy together right now on working on a musical version of the novel 'She".  This project will see the light of day in 2007.
Together with Clive Nolan and Agneiszka, 40 (!) other musicians will contribute to this project.
Until that time both will make their appearance in a few shows in which they will play the new songs.

The dutch act Kramer will attend as the support act. The band is formed from the remnants of Lorian.
On this moment Kramer is working on the Project "Lifecycle", inspired by the CD Brave from Marillion.
In the past Kramer has performed as the support act of Manfred Mann's Band and the Golden Earring.

[/translation-mode off]
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


But this isn't something like progressive rock or what? I mean... 40 musicians? Musical?
Some random things that come up to mind:
- Opera
- Nolan & Wakeman
- Chocolate cookies
- Ayreon
- Roger Waters - Caira
- Beer

There are a few more things that come up my mind every now and then, but I won't post it here.


Could i just clarify something....

I will be playing some gigs with Agneiszka in November.... but we won't have '40 musicians' with us then!.... just a two piece on that night.
The 40 business is not accurate... it's to do with the number of people who will be involved with the overall production... the album... the live show (for DVD) next year. It's very orchestral....choral....rock!
there will be a web site up soon, with more information aboit this project, which is something I've been working on for the last one and a half years.... still a year to go.... phew!


Quote from: Clive on Mon, 2006-08-14, 11:20:45
Could i just clarify something....

I will be playing some gigs with Agneiszka in November.... but we won't have '40 musicians' with us then!.... just a two piece on that night.

Thanx for your reply, Clive.  ;) Yes, i read that in the review. I thought i pointed that out but it seems i wasn't very clear on that matter. Sorry about that.

Quote from: Clivethe 40 business is not accurate... it's to do with the number of people who will be involved with the overall production... the album... the live show (for DVD) next year. It's very orchestral....choral....rock!

If that's the case the media must have misunderstood this. On the site of this review they are talking about a project involving 40 other musicians. Well, no one knows it better than you two i guess, so i believe your word on this.  :D

Quote from: Clivethere will be a web site up soon, with more information aboit this project, which is something I've been working on for the last one and a half years.... still a year to go.... phew!

It seems you're a busy man.  :D

Good luck with this. I'm looking forward to the project. It makes me wonder though, what direction it will be. Progish? Operaish? (cool word, though it doesn't exist. :P) I think PH asked it before but i would like to know a bit more of it too. I guess we have to wait untill the site up. Don't want to rush you off course.  ;)

Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Thank you all very much for the information  :-*  and I will try to see Caamora the 16th November in Essen.   8)


Being a person with a curious nature, I tried to find out what Caamora means.
Googling around I soon discovered that Clive used this title for the epic track on Tracy Hitchings' solo album. Of course, I should have known this, since I once wrote a review about it, but okay. Apparently, Clive returned to this title, this time for a project-name.

I also found the following on a website http://www.progbibliography.de/inspbooks.htm##Covenant:

"Stephen R. Donaldson: Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
'Home by the Sea' from 'Genesis' may be a description of the Caamora Giants in Stephen R. Donaldson's 'Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant' (1980, part of the 'Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever' series). This is a story about a visitor (thief?) who enters a large, old house by the sea. Once inside, he is trapped along with the other ghosts who erred similarly and are doomed to tell their stories over and over again."

Apparently Caamora seem to be kind of giants in this novel (anyone more info), but apparently some saw a strong prog-connection already. Regrettably, the song by Clive and Tracy is not mentioned here.

Funnily enough, the following book in the mentioned list is:
"Arthur Conan Doyle: The Hound of the Baskervilles
The latest collaboration of Clive Nolan and Oliver Wakeman, 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' (2002) is based on Doyles classic Sherlock Holmes-novel from 1901/02."

So, is this coincidence?


Am I right in thinking that 'Caamora' is/are to support the re-formed Karnataka at the CRS next year?


After a long period of absence it's good to be back!!

Since I last visited I have been interested to learn that Clive is involved in another new project 'Caamora'but would like to know more (as I'm sure to many of us here).

Cammora are about to play some live dates in the UK, Europe and South America but can anyone shed any light on what we can we expect in the forthcoming shows?  I assume initially these will be in the 'unplugged' format, but am not sure.

One thing I am sure of is that we can look forward to a wealth of new and exciting material, but again does anyone now what exactly?  I see an EP is due out shortly which among other things revisists an old Shadowland number?  Will Caamora rework any other of Clives work in particular anything from Arena?  I'd love to hear some Arena songs with female vocals! 

First UK show is scheduled for October 7th - I intend to be there, anyone else from the forum going to be going along?

Enquiring minds need to know :)


by the way, I don't know if it has been mentioned yet or not, the website is http://caamora.net
Arriving somewhere, but not here....


Quote from: Peter on Fri, 2006-09-29, 21:58:04
by the way, I don't know if it has been mentioned yet or not, the website is http://caamora.net

Can't remember if it has been mentioned but thanx anyway.  *horns*
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


QuoteCammora are about to play some live dates in the UK, Europe and South America but can anyone shed any light on what we can we expect in the forthcoming shows?  I assume initially these will be in the 'unplugged' format, but am not sure.

Yes, these shows will be the 'two man' show. This is what we will do until the full album is recorded and performed. Nevertheless, I think our performance is varied and interesting...

QuoteOne thing I am sure of is that we can look forward to a wealth of new and exciting material, but again does anyone now what exactly?  I see an EP is due out shortly which among other things revisists an old Shadowland number?  Will Caamora rework any other of Clives work in particular anything from Arena?  I'd love to hear some Arena songs with female vocals!

To make the live shows more varied we are playing a few songs that I have written over the years... a bit of Shadowland, Strangers on a Train, Nolan & Wakeman and Arena. As well as this we will be playing material taht will appear in the 'Rock Opera' next year, as well as new material specially written for these live performances.


Quote from: Peter on Fri, 2006-09-29, 21:58:04
by the way, I don't know if it has been mentioned yet or not, the website is http://caamora.net

Thanks Peter, that's great  :-*


Can someone add the Caamora-dates to the Calendar:

Sat, Oct 7th T J O'Reilly's Marlowe UK special guests of Symphonic Rock band 'Jump'
    Tue, Nov 14th Riff's Bar Swindon UK supporting 'Galahad'
    Thu, Nov 16th Zentrum Altenberg Oberhausen DE supporting 'Galahad'
    Fri, Nov 17th Boerderij Zoetermeer NL supporting 'Galahad'
    Sun, Nov 19th Spirit of 66 Verviers BE supporting 'Galahad'
    Mon, Nov 20th Bergkeller Reichenbach DE supporting 'Galahad'
    Tue, Nov 21st Cafe Central Weinheim DE supporting 'Galahad'
    Sat, Nov 25th La Batuta Santiago Chile
    Sun, Nov 26th Havana Concepcion Chile
    Wed, Nov 29th Bar 7 Santiago Chile
    Fri, Dec 1st Teatro Bauen Buenos Aires Argentina
    Sat, Dec 2nd Sinfoprog La Plata La Plata Argentina


Quote from: JJ II on Tue, 2006-10-10, 15:16:37Can someone add the Caamora-dates to the Calendar

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Why don't you do it yourself? ;)


QuoteWhy don't you do it yourself?

I that possible? Sorry, I thought you had to be moderator to do that....


Quote from: JJ II on Tue, 2006-10-10, 15:16:37
Can someone add the Caamora-dates to the Calendar:

Sat, Oct 7th T J O'Reilly's Marlowe UK special guests of Symphonic Rock band 'Jump'
    Tue, Nov 14th Riff's Bar Swindon UK supporting 'Galahad'
    Thu, Nov 16th Zentrum Altenberg Oberhausen DE supporting 'Galahad'
    Fri, Nov 17th Boerderij Zoetermeer NL supporting 'Galahad'
    Sun, Nov 19th Spirit of 66 Verviers BE supporting 'Galahad'
    Mon, Nov 20th Bergkeller Reichenbach DE supporting 'Galahad'
    Tue, Nov 21st Cafe Central Weinheim DE supporting 'Galahad'
    Sat, Nov 25th La Batuta Santiago Chile
    Sun, Nov 26th Havana Concepcion Chile
    Wed, Nov 29th Bar 7 Santiago Chile
    Fri, Dec 1st Teatro Bauen Buenos Aires Argentina
    Sat, Dec 2nd Sinfoprog La Plata La Plata Argentina

Hey dude you've missed out a date,

will be at my pub,

The Greyhound Inn,
79a High Street,
RG10 8BU.

On the 4th Of November 8.30pm


See Ya Here?


Quote from: Smegal on Sat, 2006-10-21, 16:24:05
Hey dude you've missed out a date,

will be at my pub,

The Greyhound Inn,
79a High Street,
RG10 8BU.

On the 4th Of November 8.30pm


See Ya Here?

Sorry mate, I'll be in Rotherham watching Credo supported by Anemo and Oliver Wakeman.


I have the ep, Look forward to a live gig soon. ;D


What an impressive performance! I enjoyed Clive's and Agneiszka's appearance at Zentrum Altenberg in Oberhausen and I´m really sorry for the people who missed that gig! It was a great pleasure and I really don't know why no more folks took the chance to listen to such a brilliant fine tuned duet! Thumbs up for Clive and Agneiszka!

Michael xxx


Nice, I'll be there on Tuesday at Weinheim...
Arriving somewhere, but not here....



Nice. Though the sound quality isn't that great, i like what i hear.

Thanx for that JJII.  8)
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.

creme anglais

Is anyone going to be at Riff's Bar for the Caamore gig on Saturday 24th Feb?

I'm going!!!
