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"Good morning!"

Started by Steve Jones, Fri, 2009-04-10, 08:28:05

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Steve Jones

Top of the morning to you all! :D
Regards, Steve Jones

"Then I'll know my bet will win, when the saints go marching in"


Yeah, I wish you all a very good morning!
I already have one, since I have a day off, again. ;D


Steve Jones

Regards, Steve Jones

"Then I'll know my bet will win, when the saints go marching in"


Good morning people! No rain in sight, but it's not very sunny either.


Good morning. Eh afternoon.

Eh. Evening.
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


And in just a few moments Steve Jones will open another topic called: "Sir Maddox and the Six Thousand".


Quote from: PH on Mon, 2009-06-08, 21:45:52
And in just a few moments Steve Jones will open another topic called: "Sir Maddox and the Six Thousand".

Oh please, no.  :-[

Too much credits.  ;)
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.

Steve Jones

Morning everyone.  I think the next 'Sir Maddox and the' thread should come at 10,000.  Give the man something to work towards ;)
Regards, Steve Jones

"Then I'll know my bet will win, when the saints go marching in"


Yeah, I guess you're right Steve.

Well, good afternoon everyone!

I absolutely don't have a clue when to use "everybody" and when to use "everyone"...


Quote from: PH on Tue, 2009-06-09, 15:31:35
I absolutely don't have a clue when to use "everybody" and when to use "everyone"...

They mean exactly the same, Paxi.

Maybe if you're talkin about spirits, who don't have a body, it's better to use "everyone"  ;D

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Quote from: Nicky007 on Tue, 2009-06-09, 15:45:30
Maybe if you're talkin about spirits, who don't have a body, it's better to use "everyone"  ;D

I don't know for Paxi but I am more used to meet bodies that don't have a spirit so I think I'll stick with "everybody" ...  ;D


Quote from: Bupie on Tue, 2009-06-09, 16:00:12
I don't know for Paxi but I am more used to meet bodies that don't have a spirit so I think I'll stick with "everybody" ...  ;D

You're talking about zombies? ;D
And what about the soul then?


Quote from: PH on Tue, 2009-06-09, 17:03:12
You're talking about zombies? ;D

That's not quite right, Paxi:  A zombie is a revived dead person. S/he has a soul, but no will. Thus s/he is entirely under the control of the bokor (Voodoo sorcerer).

Consequently you can use both "everybody" and "everyone" about a group of zombies (or roomies)  ;D

And what about the soul then?

The soul is somehow between the spirit and the body. The soul has a so-called "astral body," so here again, you can use both terms. If you wanna be specific, then you can say "everysoul," except that people will think that you're talkin about Marvin Gay(e) and Co., particularly since it's you, Paxi  ;D

And next time you see the Rainbow Parade goin by, you can talk about "everyass"  :D

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Quote from: Steve Jones on Tue, 2009-06-09, 08:50:25
Morning everyone.  I think the next 'Sir Maddox and the' thread should come at 10,000.  Give the man something to work towards ;)

Trust me, on that time you have caught up with me many many posts ago.  :D
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.



Well, hello.

Not morning though. Just somewhat in the evening.
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Quote from: maddox on Wed, 2009-06-10, 20:31:31
Well, hello.

Not morning though. Just somewhat in the evening.

Hello.  It's always morning somewhere.  That doesn't make it good though.   ;)
"What is that sound?  It's confusing, and boy is it loud!"


Quote from: Manatee on Wed, 2009-06-10, 20:32:55
Hello.  It's always morning somewhere.  That doesn't make it good though.   ;)

True, but when we are having a pretty good time in the summer, some people in the world are experiencing winter at the same time.  ;)
Funny thing is, that when we are having Christmas it's either A: pretty wet (caused by some rainfal) or B: Bitter cold without any chance of snow.

And they are celebrating Christmas in their swimsuits.  ::)
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Mornin guys  :)

Think it's my first "mornin" here.

Got up early this, well, mornin. Soon on our way to Stockholm to celebrate Ms 007's cousin's 60-year birthday and visit two of Ms' three sons who have their holm in stock  ;)

For the train ride, I'm takin my Walkman along, and a nice heap'o cd's, but I'l probably have to break the oath and turn down the volume  :-\

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Good evening.

I can't watch clocks.  ::)
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Quote from: maddox on Fri, 2009-06-12, 20:59:37
Good evening.

Same evening from me.

Quote from: maddox on Fri, 2009-06-12, 20:59:37
I can't watch clocks.  ::)

I can, but I never do.
Why would you ever want to watch a clock? By watching a clock you're wasting time. And time is money.
Also, a clock costs money.

When I am prime minister of this country, there won't be any clocks, or time or whatever.
There won't ever be ridiculous times to start work or school anymore. The night is for sleeping, so everyone should be allowed to sleep till sunrise (and go to bed when the sun is down).
Obviously, in winter the nights are longer, so we'll simply sleep longer and work less. ;D
This way, I think there would be a lot less seasonal affective disorder in the world.

How about that?



Not a good idea, Paco.  ;)

Because when there's winter, by your standards we should work less and sleep more (or more spare time, whatever)

But the counterpart of that is that when it's Summer, we have to sleep less and work more.  ;)

Ever thought about that?  :D
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Quote from: maddox on Fri, 2009-06-12, 22:03:06
Not a good idea, Paco.  ;)

Because when there's winter, by your standards we should work less and sleep more (or more spare time, whatever)

But the counterpart of that is that when it's Summer, we have to sleep less and work more.  ;)

Ever thought about that?  :D


And good evening