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Doctor Who

Started by PH, Thu, 2008-07-10, 11:42:28

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As some of you have noticed, I was away for a couple of weeks.
Because I discovered Doctor Who! ;D

On the Frost message board, a lot of people kept talking about Doctor Who, so I decided to give it a go.

I've watched the first three seasons of the revived series and thought it was fantastic!
From the start of episode "Rose" with Christopher Eccleston as the ninth Doctor till "Last Of The Time Lords" which has the excellent David Tennant as the tenth Doctor.

I think my favourite episodes are:

Season 1
- Father's Day
- The Empty Child
- The Doctor Dances
- Bad Wolf
- The Parting Of The Ways

Season 2
- The Girl In The Fireplace
- Rise Of The Cybermen
- The Age Of Steel
- Army Of Ghosts
- Doomsday

Season 3
- 42
- Blink
- Utopia
- The Sound Of Drums
- Last Of The Time Lords

I'm planning to watch season 4 very soon.

I'm sure there are other Doctor Who fans here, right?



Dya know what's weird, Paxi:  I'v never seen an episode of Dr. Who.

And dya know what else is weird:  I aint gonna make any judgements about Dr. Who  ;)

Now that you'v brought it to my attention, I'm actually reading about it on Wikipedia, and I'l make an effort to watch some episodes  :)

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


For some good reading visit:""Fluffy Kittens of DOOM"!

My drawings on MySpace

Steve Jones

I utterly love the first 3 series, superb stories, great humour and I want to make babies with Billie Piper great acting.  I've been quite disappointed with series 4, the plots seem to lack the clever twists and links, plus Catherine Tate annoys me.  I ended up buying the first 3 series on DVD, so I impressed was I, but probably won't bother with series 4 unless I see it really, really, cheap.

I wouldn't class myself as a Doctor Who fan, as such, I just loved the episodes because I thought they were great drama.  Stuff like 'Blink' and 'Father's Day' completely outclasses most of the junk on TV these days.

Are you my mommy?  *horns*
Regards, Steve Jones

"Then I'll know my bet will win, when the saints go marching in"


On IMDb, Doctor Who gets User Rating 8.8 out of 10 (7,151 votes), which is very high, so that hightens my interest.

Here is what "Neil from United Kingdom" writes about Doctor Who on IMDb:

"As a child I used to love the Dr Who series and apparently I used to hide behind the sofa whenever the Daleks appeared. I think it must have been the voice. But over time the whole idea lost so much of its charm that it became a real pain to watch.

Well all that has changed, Every nostalgic moment I ever had about the doctor has come flooding back with this highly enjoyable reanimation of a childhood favourite, even though I am now well into my thirties.

Christopher Eccleston is great in the lead and Billy Piper makes the archetypal sidekick. This new incarnation is full of the humour and tongue in cheek appeal that I hoped it would be. I just hope it keeps going as it started.

I have to give this a ten even if it's just because it's filmed in my home town of Cardiff, if not for the fact that is gives me a glimmer of what I liked in this series from when I was a very small child.

Thanks to everyone involved and keep it coming."

And  MitchellXL5:

"I have now had the pleasure of watching through the fourth episode and can say that I think the new series is a delight - and no less a delight than the classic series. As with each Doctor, this is another take on the concept and it's a sharp one at that.

Eccleston's Doctor is the most alien Doctor of them all and his realization is a pleasure. Piper's Rose is the real surprise of the show, she's just very likable and has chutzpah.

This series seems to be less about the Doctor versus aliens than really examining the Doctor's relationship with his companions - why he does it, the psychology of a guy who would keep taking on these people and showing them the whole of the universe - and using the science fiction action as a backdrop. It's very Alan Moore actually. The Doctor comes off as a mix of overeager, kind, self-serving, egotistical, innocent, and many other traits. This is the most complex Doctor after Tom Baker."

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Well, today I watched the Christmas special of Doctor Who: "The Next Doctor".

To me it was not really that great. Though, after not having seen Doctor Who for more than four months, it was nice to see it again.
I'm looking forward to the new series (or rather the specials in 2009).
Too bad David Tennant is leaving... :'(



Quote from: Steve Jones on Thu, 2008-07-10, 18:50:33
great humour and I want to make babies with Billie Piper great acting.

Yes, the quality of acting on Dr Who has always been very good.

When I was very young I used to watch Dr Who with my foster brother from behind the sofa! I know it seems quite tame by modern standards but back in the '70s it was scary as hell. :o

Steve Jones

I've always thought the Christmas specials were a little too camp/pantomime for my tastes, but I liked this year's more than the previous ones.  Also, I thought it was generally better than the last series which didn't exactly set my mind on fire.

Each to their own, of course, but I could have happily lived my life without seeing Ms Tate as the loathsome Donna Noble. ;)  Bring back Billie! :P
Regards, Steve Jones

"Then I'll know my bet will win, when the saints go marching in"


Quote from: Steve Jones on Sat, 2008-12-27, 22:44:28
Each to their own, of course, but I could have happily lived my life without seeing Ms Tate as the loathsome Donna Noble. ;)  Bring back Billie! :P

To be honest, I thought Donna Noble was really great! But perhaps that's because I don't know Ms Tate. You might have other associations?

And how much I loved Rose (in more ways than one, probably ;D), I think she changed a lot when I saw her in the fourth series. Maybe because she stayed too long in the parallel universe.
'Doomsday' was such a brilliant episode, I think it would have been better if we never saw Rose again after that. Now it seems like there's still an opening and a possibility to go between the two parallel worlds...

Anyway, the Christmas special wasn't enough for me. I want more Doctor Who!! But instead we get less this year... :(

Me and my Doctor Who fixation... :P


Steve Jones

Quote from: PH on Sat, 2009-01-03, 12:45:06
Me and my Doctor Who fixation... :P

Well stay tuned - the new Doctor is being officially announced later this afternoon...
Regards, Steve Jones

"Then I'll know my bet will win, when the saints go marching in"


BBC Three?

Can't get that on the cable here in the Netherlands... :(

Steve Jones

I thought it was on BBC1 according to http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/ although it'll be all over the internet in seconds, no doubt.

You can get the internet in the Netherlands, can't you?  ;D ;D
Regards, Steve Jones

"Then I'll know my bet will win, when the saints go marching in"


I thought Doctor Who Confidential was on BBC Three?
Anyway, if it's on BBC One, I think I'm gonna watch it! ;D


Just noticed that Doctor Who gets 8.8 points on IMDb. That's real high  :o


So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Quote from: bbc.co.uk
In the Doctor Who special, to be aired tomorrow (that is today) at 17.35hrs, the actor playing the new Doctor will be giving his or her initial reaction to being the new, eleventh incarnation of one of television's most loved characters.

What?! It can't be a "her", that's just not right!

Steve Jones

Quote from: PH on Sat, 2009-01-03, 14:40:24
What?! It can't be a "her", that's just not right!

I'm deeply, deeply shocked that you could even think of being so blatantly sexist in 2009. :o

Besides, if she's got a decent pair of hooters then I for one don't mind... ;D
Regards, Steve Jones

"Then I'll know my bet will win, when the saints go marching in"


But... but... it's gotta be a man!
How else could he have snogged Madame de Pompadour? Or be the grandfather of Susan Foreman? Or fall in love with Joan Redfern? Or have a relationship with Professor River Song?

She had a sonic screwdriver, right?




Matt Smith...


Only 26 years old...

Man, that's very different from David Tennant or Christopher Eccleston...

But let's not give up hope. I don't know him. Perhaps he's really great at it!



I think it could be good

Would like an older Doctor at some point though ie late 30's early 40's - me in other words  ;)


Yeah, he's over 900 years old for gob's sake!!
But instead he goes younger with every new doctor...
Not that I want him to go very much older, but this seems like a big leap... :-\

Ah well, Peter Davison was 29...


I enjoyed the old Dr. Who episodes that I used to watch on American Public Television back in the 1980s.

Completely crazy, off the wall and quite entertaining.

They probably would have been even funnier had I been drunk.
I'm falling.....Falling down again!

Steve Jones

Hmm, not very impressed with tonight's Easter Special, I'm afraid.  The whole thing's gone a bit too Disney for my liking.  Disney Who.  Or possibly, given the flying bus, Who-ry Potter ;)

Still, Michelle Ryan is a lot easier on the eye than Catherine Tate ever was :P
Regards, Steve Jones

"Then I'll know my bet will win, when the saints go marching in"


Quote from: Steve Jones on Sat, 2009-04-11, 21:06:49
Hmm, not very impressed with tonight's Easter Special, I'm afraid.  The whole thing's gone a bit too Disney for my liking.  Disney Who.  Or possibly, given the flying bus, Who-ry Potter ;)

Still, Michelle Ryan is a lot easier on the eye than Catherine Tate ever was :P

Shoot! I missed it! :(
(Yes, I loved to say that.)


Quote from: Steve Jones on Sat, 2009-04-11, 21:06:49
Hmm, not very impressed with tonight's Easter Special, I'm afraid.  The whole thing's gone a bit too Disney for my liking.  Disney Who.  Or possibly, given the flying bus, Who-ry Potter ;)

Still, Michelle Ryan is a lot easier on the eye than Catherine Tate ever was :P

Well, I've seen the episode just now.
I thought it was quite enjoyable. It's been a while since "The Next Doctor", so I'm happy to see some Doctor action.

I wonder what "He will knock four times" means...
Probably... the Master?



They should make Rowan Atkinson the next Doctor.  Then we could have Black Adder the Timelord.  I loved the Black Adder.  He needs to quit that silly Bean stuff and do more of them.
"What is that sound?  It's confusing, and boy is it loud!"