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Do you like...F1?

Started by maddox, Fri, 2008-04-25, 22:44:54

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Formula One: what do you vote?

Totally utterly fan
3 (21.4%)
Like it but i won't stay home for it
4 (28.6%)
Somehow i dislike it
4 (28.6%)
No way!
3 (21.4%)

Total Members Voted: 14


My previous remark on the F1 thread made me think: There's no poll for this.  :)

So to make it very easy for you: Do you like it?

Enjoy yourselves.  :P

PS> for safety reasons i haven't posted my vote yet.  :P
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Let's make it a "Somehow I dislike it".

I'm not really anti F1, so I won't vote "No way!", but I'm certainly not a fan either.
But I'm not really a sports lover anyway. Football, tennis, racing, skating... I just don't like it at all. And it's even worse since it gets too much attention.
We even have sport news on tv, right after (or sometimes packed into) regular news. Why? Sport is a hobby, and it's someone else's, not mine.
My hobby is progressive rock, keyboards, nature, gaming and theology. But they don't make news out of that. Sometimes there are television programmes about some of these (except for progressive rock... ::)) but none of these are presented as "important" and therefore there's no "keyboard news" followed by "theology news" after the regular news on tv. But I don't mind that. I think it should stay as a hobby.

As soon as a hobby means business it will lose its charm. More and more people have something to say about the subject. Footballers are asked for their opinion on political matters. They show up in tv programmes while wearing a necktie and a business suitcase in hand. It's business. Money. Pop music and sport are good examples (hence the sports pages and entertainment/music pages in the newspapers).

Yes, it pisses me off indeed.



The real shitty thing about F1 is that it burns up so much useful energy, thereby also fucking up the atmosphere.

And I think that many of the people (read: men) dozily gaping at the screen and slinging down their lousy beers are just waiting for one of the drivers to smash thru a railing into a group of spectators and closeups showing blood and brain matter splattered all over the place.

Nope, not a speck of sympathy here for such nonsense.

Football and golf in the media are pretty dumbass too, but at least there's a bit of creativity in them and the spectators arent waiting for gore.

Man, there's so much beauty in the world, i.a. prog, and so much to ponder over, and people are frittering away their time on such useless stuff.

And what's makes it utterly absurd, as Paco notes, is that the sports heroes are asked about culture and politics. Well, expect any mentioning of sublime culture  ::)

Nice analysis, Paco  :)

Mad, this thread calls for honest opinions, and here ya gotit  :)

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


The Butterfly Man

Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 10:03:50
And I think that many of the people (read: men) dozily gaping at the screen and slinging down their lousy beers are just waiting for one of the drivers to smash thru a railing into a group of spectators and closeups showing blood and brain matter splattered all over the place.

Nope, not a speck of sympathy here for such nonsense.

I'll get back to you on this, haven't got the time right now, but I rarely witnessed so much nonsense in one post... :-\
There will be white clouds beyond the hills...


I'm with Nicky on this, I really hate it :-\
For some good reading visit:""Fluffy Kittens of DOOM"!

My drawings on MySpace


Ok Appelmoes??, but why?
Same reasons?

And Tom, I agree with you about that part you quoted from Nicky. That's nonsense.
I don't believe that people only watch it because they want to see car crashes... That's stupid. You hear that Nicky?!

I don't have anything against F1 per se. But on sport in general.



Quote from: PH on Sat, 2008-04-26, 13:26:30
Ok Appelmoes??, but why?
Same reasons?
Mostly, hence the "I'm with Nicky" ;)
For some good reading visit:""Fluffy Kittens of DOOM"!

My drawings on MySpace


Quote from: The Butterfly Man on Sat, 2008-04-26, 11:50:51
I'll get back to you on this, haven't got the time right now, but I rarely witnessed so much nonsense in one post... :-\

May I answer this, BFM?

Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 10:03:50
The real shitty thing about F1 is that it burns up so much useful energy, thereby also fucking up the atmosphere.
WRONG: F1 has already proved itself to The Green Party, and with the help of The Green Party (EU & Global Wide!), to be Carbon NEUTRAL! This has been achieved by careful analysis, not only of the emissions of the actual 22 cars-per-race + qually + practice + testing, but also of the TOTAL Carbon Footprint of the ENTIRE F1 Paddock. This includes not only all of the global transportation of the 11 Teams' Equipment, the FIA equipment, the tyres (Bridgestone from Japan), the fuel (global various) – but also of each-and-every member of each-and-every team, from driver through to cook's assistant!
F1 has HAD to do this; firstly because it is obviously straight in the firing-line of every sofa-sitting, beer-swigging, tree-hugger with an axe to grind.
But secondly, because F1, being a truly GLOBAL / INTERNATIONAL exercise, therefore CAN and SHOULD be an opportunity to lead-by-example!
Through the TECHNOLOGY of F1, fuel that you and I now buy at the petrol pump is significantly more free-of-emissions than previously considered by "normal" (read commercial) research to be possible. Ditto Engine Technology. KERS will be next (Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems).
It has also been proved that spectator sports such as Football, Golf, Tennis etc, attract as many audience / spectator members driving a car to each sport-type meeting PER WEEK, PER COUNTRY, as F1 attracts PER COUNTRY, PER YEAR! And yet Football & Tennis don't do anything towards off-setting the Carbon Footprint of the TEAMS & OFFICIALS, let alone of the spectators – and Golf is even worse, by chopping down trees to form open grass playing areas – and then denying overall public access to them!

Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 10:03:50And I think that many of the people (read: men) dozily gaping at the screen and slinging down their lousy beers are just waiting for one of the drivers to smash thru a railing into a group of spectators and closeups showing blood and brain matter splattered all over the place.
WRONG: F1 has lead the way in adopting as safe-as-possible racing environments, largely thanks to Max Mosley, Jackie Stewart, the GPDA, and Dr. Sid Watkins. Impact Tests carried out on F1 cars are the strictest in the world – and that technology has filtered down to the design of YOUR car – making YOU less likely to suffer physical harm in the event of an accident.
I personally (and others of my ilk) enjoy a spectacle. BUT we don't enjoy seeing anybody getting hurt – that's NOT entertainment! Good driving, good teamwork, good use of strategy, good use of bravery – that's the attraction of F1 to a Motor racing fan.
The "Soap-Opera" of F1 POLITICS is also attractive to some of us (myself included) – who deserves a Racing seat, who deserves a Testing seat, who's a crap Team Principle, who's been done by TNOTW for having a Nazi-styleé Orgy, who's spying on whom for technological advantages, which governments are FINANCIALLY supporting Race Tracks and which ones aren't – and yet Government Ministers of the UNsupportive governments still insist on getting free tickets!

Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 10:03:50Nope, not a speck of sympathy here for such nonsense.
Each to their own.

Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 10:03:50Football and golf in the media are pretty dumbass too, but at least there's a bit of creativity in them and the spectators arent waiting for gore.
I've already answered this one. But I will add that I used to play County Level Rugger (not Rugby!). I've never found much use in my "normal" life for Hard-Tackling, Line-Outs, or Mauling. BUT, by watching Motor Racing, I've learned to ENJOY my daily commute to work – how to approach an apex depending on how I wish to exit the corner, the difference that tyre pressures make, short-shifting and left-foot braking, oversteer versus understeer versus road conditions. More importantly however, I've learned to observe Vehicle Body-Language, and then correctly anticipate how another driver is going to accelerate / brake / corner / pull-out onto oncoming traffic BEFORE he / she does it! THIS has prevented me being involved in another person's accident on more than one occasion - and has enabled me to overtake other vehicles perfectly safely – and helped me pass my Advanced Driving Test with 97%!
Strangely, I am unable to listen to music or the radio or any passenger whilst I'm driving, or I lose my focus!

Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 10:03:50Man, there's so much beauty in the world, i.a. prog, and so much to ponder over, and people are frittering away their time on such useless stuff.

And what's makes it utterly absurd, as Paco notes, is that the sports heroes are asked about culture and politics. Well, expect any mentioning of sublime culture  ::)

Nice analysis, Paco  :)
So much beauty – Mika overtaking Michael with Ricardo Zonta stuck in the middle, at Spa....crap, that beat Supper's Ready into second place my friend!
The excitement of a good race, against Pink Floyd at Wembley 1988 – Even-Steven's!

Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 10:03:50Mad, this thread calls for honest opinions, and here ya gotit  :)


Yup...'tis a shame that you feel that way, Nicky. Nick Mason (I met him at a race meeting when he was driving his Porsche in the SuperCup as a guest) is "prog". Heikki Kovalainen listens to Nightwish.

Whatever – I enjoy the music that I enjoy, and the Motor racing that I enjoy – and you ain't gonna persuade me otherwise. Much like that I ain't gonna persuade you!

Ciao bene.

Internationally Affiliated Member of the Federated Union of Conundrums, Kudos, & Eccentric Dialogue, featuring the Scantily Clad Radii Of The Ubiquitous Meniscus - our motto "Time flies like an arrow - fruit flies like a banana"


Bravo Gelert!

Such a long post.
So much information and none of it nonsense! What an achievement! ;D

Well, I already said what I wanted to say.


The Butterfly Man

Amen to that Gelert. You really said everything I would have said if I would have had time to react in a proper way earlier today. *horns*

There will be white clouds beyond the hills...


Well, alliances sure have changed at a snap here in the Room.

Guys, I'v studied physics at the university, and if there's one thing I know, then it's that any combustion uses fuel (organic carbon molecules) and converts it to i.a. CO2, which is emitted into the atmosphere, and which according to widespread scientific conviction is heating up the biosphere. So, so much for "carbon neutrality".

There's sooo much unnecessary fuel consumption, but the F1 consumption seems to me to be the most unnecessary.

OK, I understand the excitement about racing, especially among teenagers, but now that the biosphere really seems to be changing due to human activities, maybe we should abandon such energy-consuming activities and transfer our attention to more energy-neutral sports as bicycle racing and running for getting our kicks.

Note that I wrote that "many", not "all", people are waiting/hoping for accidents. Well, I'v met some who have admitted it.

I'v pretty much held back till now with my opinion on media sports, as I noted that there were some roomies who were into football and F1, but now that Mad opened the subject, I thought I might present my view.

Looks like we're very divided on this issue  :)

Quote from: gelert on Sat, 2008-04-26, 19:49:48
Heikki Kovalainen listens to Nightwish.

That doesnt impress my the least, as I consider Nightwish far from prog.

With Nick Mason it's a different matter, as I love all the Floyd guys.

I know and know about several creative people who have racing cars, and I can even understand their passion. I once had a Honda 400-4 motorcycle that gave me lots of kicks. All that, however, doesnt affect my basic opinion on the matter.

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 22:23:05
Well, alliances sure have changed at a snap here in the Room.

Guys, I'v studied physics at the university, and if there's one thing I know, then it's that any combustion uses fuel (organic carbon molecules) and converts it to i.a. CO2, which is emitted into the atmosphere, and which according to widespread scientific conviction is heating up the biosphere. So, so much for "carbon neutrality".

There's sooo much unnecessary fuel consumption, but the F1 consumption seems to me to be the most unnecessary.

IMHO, Commuting to work is the most unnecessary! Certainly the most stressful, according to a few people that I work with. Let's all cycle / walk into work? Or Public Transport? Ah....buses / trains don't run to the town where I work, to get me to my destination on-time. And my Boss doesn't accept excuses. Bugger! And cycling / walking 16 miles a day, one-way, is a bit daft, dont'cha think? Carbon-burning it is then.

Actually, Entertainment is the most unnecessary – have YOU off-set YOUR carbon-footprint for the CDs that you've bought? Had delivered? The electricity that you've used to listen to them? Or the drive to the gigs that you've been to?

BTW, Carbon-Neutral = planting trees / foliage consummate with your own Carbon-Footprint. Golf-Courses aren't!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 22:23:05
OK, I understand the excitement about racing, especially among teenagers, but now that the biosphere really seems to be changing due to human activities, maybe we should abandon such energy-consuming activities and transfer our attention to more energy-neutral sports as bicycle racing and running for getting our kicks.

At the tender age of 46, hopefully I can still get my "Teenage Kicks". I'm assuming that you're cycling or walking / running / cycling to these "bicycle racing and running" meetings? BTW, most of the teenagers that I know aren't interested in bicycle racing, running, cinema, live gigs, carbon-footprints, or human activities outside of the "X-Box"! So "Prog" is definitely a non-seller!

Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2008-04-26, 22:23:05
Looks like we're very divided on this issue  :)


Agreed. But no reason not to learn from eachother!
Internationally Affiliated Member of the Federated Union of Conundrums, Kudos, & Eccentric Dialogue, featuring the Scantily Clad Radii Of The Ubiquitous Meniscus - our motto "Time flies like an arrow - fruit flies like a banana"


The thing that's really shocking about this discussion is Gelert having serious posts :o
For some good reading visit:""Fluffy Kittens of DOOM"!

My drawings on MySpace


Quote from: Appelmoes?? on Sat, 2008-04-26, 23:28:24
The thing that's really shocking about this discussion is Gelert having serious posts :o

Indeed. He's on the roll here.

Good one Gelert! You're becoming more human each time.



Quote from: PH on Sat, 2008-04-26, 23:51:20
Indeed. He's on the roll here.

Good one Gelert! You're becoming more human each time.

More mature ;) Not being serious all the time is one of the best atributes a person can have :D
For some good reading visit:""Fluffy Kittens of DOOM"!

My drawings on MySpace


I can't be bought to the F1 side, of course, Gelert, but I very much enjoyed your antics in trying to sell it to me  ;D

I think the next step's gotta be a psychological analysis of what went awry in your childhood  :D

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Quote from: Nicky007 on Sun, 2008-04-27, 17:40:05
I can't be bought to the F1 side, of course, Gelert, but I very much enjoyed your antics in trying to sell it to me  ;D

I think the next step's gotta be a psychological analysis of what went awry in your childhood  :D


Damn! Discovered!

Yup, OK...I won an Egg-and-Spoon race at the age of 4, but was disqualified for illegal aero-parts...you went on to win the race!  ;D
Internationally Affiliated Member of the Federated Union of Conundrums, Kudos, & Eccentric Dialogue, featuring the Scantily Clad Radii Of The Ubiquitous Meniscus - our motto "Time flies like an arrow - fruit flies like a banana"


Quote from: Appelmoes?? on Sun, 2008-04-27, 00:07:35
More mature ;) Not being serious all the time is one of the best atributes a person can have :D

That's indeed the other side of the story. But in my eyes Gelert WAS already mature though not human... ;) ;D



OK, now that the "human" has been removed, let's question the "mature"  ;D

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


I'm with Gelert on this one. F1 was forced into providing it's 'Green credentials' due to extreme pressure from several organizations and I believe that since the beginning of this season F1 has gone beyond 'carbon neutral' and actually has become 'carbon negitive'. Just a shame that the UK, USA and most other countries can't say the same. As to the suggestion that people watch to see blood and gore I would have to say I find that very hard to believe and is certainly NOT why I watch it. Besides if you want blood there is always boxing.

Nice to see Gelert back by the way, it's been a while ;D


Quote from: johninblack on Mon, 2008-04-28, 20:04:46
... since the beginning of this season F1 has gone beyond 'carbon neutral' and actually has become 'carbon negative'.

This is a weird twist. Am I supposed to believe that these fantastic machines suck in CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it into fuel ?  :o

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


For some good reading visit:""Fluffy Kittens of DOOM"!

My drawings on MySpace


Quote from: Appelmoes?? on Mon, 2008-04-28, 20:56:59
They're driving trees :D


So you could actually stand behind a F1 sportcar and it will fill your lungs with oxygen?
They should use it in hospitals...

"Emergency! Emergency! We need a Formula 1 sportscar! This man here is running out of oxygen!"



Quick! Let's all become F1-racers and save the planet by driving really REALLY fast!

For some good reading visit:""Fluffy Kittens of DOOM"!

My drawings on MySpace