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How do you feel right now?

Started by Appelmoes??, Wed, 2005-10-26, 20:39:46

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Quote from: funkster on Mon, 2009-11-02, 07:18:25
Coming down with a cold so feel awful - especially as my youngest had croup last week !!

Hope you get over it soon, Funkster  :)

What are you listenin to these days ?

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Quote from: The Butterfly Man on Sun, 2009-11-01, 18:55:35
I feel great. I saw a lot of my favourite bands play live in the course of just one month: Anathema, Opeth, Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, Dredg, The Pineapple Thief and Riverside! *horns*


What are Anathema and Dredg like live ?

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Quote from: Nicky007 on Mon, 2009-11-02, 16:30:14
Hope you get over it soon, Funkster  :)

What are you listenin to these days ?


Cheers for that Nick - much appreciated mate

See now playing thread for the latest tunes to hit the Funkster decks of death


Quote from: bellanova on Sat, 2009-10-31, 15:38:48
I thought i would feel crap last night when my friend brought me home but he let me stay!!!

Sounds good, Bella  :)

Hope he's adapted to being faithful  :-\

It's the best thing in life to have a travelling partner, but you have to be able to trust him/her 100%  8)

Aint that right, guys  ;)

Even with the goats, right, Deenie ?  :D :-[ :-[

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Welcome back, Paxi  :)

What have you been up to lately ?  - wasting your time in other chatforums ?  ;D

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Hi Nicky! ;)

What I've been up to lately... Well, I was extremely busy with school. But there were also some other things.
Sometimes I feel that the whole music thing is sucking me up. Almost like an addiction. Sometimes I need to put it all aside for a while and do something completely different and then return freshly again.
But this time, I didn't really feel the need to return... To be completely honest with you, I felt that changes should be made...

As you know, I'm a christian and I think being a christian is not something that comes next to all other things. I think it should be first and foremost, the most important thing. That's what was the problem with me. But I made a decision and prayed a lot, and read a lot in my bible and really felt that something should be done. (Man, it's like I'm hearing Neal Morse speaking here...)

So I got rid of all my mp3s on my harddisk, put all my CDs in a box and just waited to see what would happen.
This is what happened: I didn't feel the need to listen to all the music anymore. Didn't feel the need to look for new music. Occasionally I would pick a CD out of the box, but mostly either instrumental music (like Vangelis) or Neal Morse... (Marillion being the only exception, strangely enough!) I just wanted to learn more and more. About God and the Bible.

I haven't bought the new Porcupine Tree album, IQ, Dream Theater, or the new project of Arjen Lucassen. And I was really looking forward to these albums! But now I don't feel the need to have them anymore.
Don't have the new TransAtlantic album either. I'll possibly buy that one (or maybe as a birthday present), but I'm not in such a hurry.

So at the moment I'm not so sure what my contribution to the Room would be. I like you all and I obviously still like Prog. ;)
But indeed, my interests have changed.

This does not affect music alone. I did a 'reformation' (;)) on my games and movies too. And all other things that I gave a much bigger part in my life than I was giving Jesus.

This might seem like a radical step (and to be honest, I think there's nothing wrong with the word 'radical'), but it was something that was going on in my mind for quite some time.

So to get back on topic:
How do I feel?
Well, a bit mixed now of course. I feel very good, have a lot of things ahead of me. Nice things, also lesser nice things. But yeah, I do miss you guys sometimes! And of course I'll step in occasionally and talk a bit here and there. But just not that much! ;D



Quote from: PH on Thu, 2009-11-05, 16:21:23
But yeah, I do miss you guys sometimes! And of course I'll step in occasionally and talk a bit here and there. But just not that much! ;D

Hey Paco, feel free to be in here as often (or seldom...) as you wish :) Actually, I find it quite okay for the reason you give to stay away... but not too much, okay ;)
Arriving somewhere, but not here....


Thanx for being so sincere, Paxi  :)

I recognize what you are saying. I'v had looong periods in which I spent looong hours in churches and out in nature, ruminating, praying, desperately seeking grace from above. I often considered withdrawing into a monastery.

People are different: Some manage to go along with the flow of life; others get bogged down all the time. Imagine yourself dragging a cross where the one arm grinds along the earth and gets stuck.

I really know the feeling of isolation.

Then when I was 45, I met Ms 007, and I slowly realised that she was the right woman for me: deep, loving, empathetic, veggie, reliable, faithful. As a long-term single, I had bred several of them typical hermit obsessions, and she helped me clarify'm. So I became a normal guy, as you can see  ;D

Otoh I helped her find her way back to the Church; she's now a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church again. (I'm member of the Danish.)

I realised that one can be just as deep and just as close to God living as an ordinary person in a healthy relationship in society. And one has the benefit of sex, which Bups as a Frenchie knows can be quite enjoyable  :D

I think that there are two important things to realise:

1) What's meant with "Life is a gift." I heard it first time from Kierkegaard, but now I know that several thinkers before him have said it. It's certainly not as enjoyable as getting presents for our birthday and for Christmas when we were kids. I think one has to think of the alternative as non-existence.

2) I also think it's important to realise that we are at our origin alone in the universe. This realisation is the turning point (crisis) where the New Age really begins. And from here on we start building true bridges between living beings.

Lately I'v been experiencing myself at the bottom of society: Jobless, moneyless, without a a formal education that I can use, despised by people who don't know me - who don't want to know me - really down to basics. Strangely, that has made me feel closer to Jesus. Remember, he relinquished all the trappings of society, and became despised, persecuted, and ended up dying in the most awful way. I think he did all this purposefully: To show us the way into the New Age, on the way to the New Jerusalem.

These are some of my thoughts that I'm now sharing with you guys. Hope they make some sense to you  :)

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Not easy things to work out is it  PH

I struggled with my faith for most of last year and have in fact walked away from it all 12 months ago. My faith was being tested and it was just not strong enough.

It is only over the last few months that i have come to accept my decision as being the right one but i know that lots of people are continuosly having their faith  challenged and it is exceptionally hard sometimes.

Hope you still find time to pop in here and say hello and although i will not be praying for you  ;) i will be wishing you well.


I am really happy to have met you in the Room, PH  :) Take care (and if I may, I would suggest to leave video games apart for a while : there are so many things to do in real life  ;))


I feel nervous and excited all at the same time!

I'm moving house y'see... :)
...Is this just a dream I'm in?

~~Drallion official Facebook page:~~

<- Click the planet to go to Twitter @Keyboardistmatt


I feel ashamed of the way our football team qualified for the 2010 World Cup yesterday. It's a mad and dirty world we live in ...  :-X


Great, WEEKEND  ;D. Tomorrow I'll be attending a gig with three bands:
Ulysses, Knight Area and Sons of Seasons. Looking forward to that  8)
'I will surrender my heart to the sky
Oh, our love doesn't end here, it lives forever on the wings of time'
Toto - Wings of time (Kingdom of Desire)


Quote from: Bupie on Thu, 2009-11-19, 10:58:24
I feel ashamed of the way our football team qualified for the 2010 World Cup yesterday. It's a mad and dirty world we live in ...  :-X

I know what you mean. All this stuff is driving me away from the game I love. Don't worry though Bups there is nothing you can do and at the end of the day no one died.

It is FIFA and Uefa that are to blame for this stuff as they do nothing.  >:(


I feel... happy that the band liked the recordings I did for them last Saturday! *horns*
...Is this just a dream I'm in?

~~Drallion official Facebook page:~~

<- Click the planet to go to Twitter @Keyboardistmatt


Great: Just found Priest's Metalogy at the library - a big box with all sortsa goodies - so I'm gonna be incommunicado for a whiles .....  *horns*

Hope ya guys don't discuss some interesting stuff while I'm gone  ;D

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


I have just been through the week from hell at work.

But that's not so bad Mrs i has been having those since she went back.  >:(

But the good news is it is all over 2 days off; hurrah for the weekend.


Wet. Hope it stops raining sometime soon.


Not at well. Some sort of flu or virus. It was only a matter of time some of my colleagues have had it for weeks.

I am thinking of alternative medicine I have heard that bugs die in alcohol so here goes.  :P


Quote from: Iggy on Thu, 2009-12-03, 14:02:26
Not at well. Some sort of flu or virus. It was only a matter of time some of my colleagues have had it for weeks.

Tough luck.
I'm going through the same problem right now.
I've ducked away through many flu-attacks but now it finally hit me.
Full frontal.  :-\

QuoteI am thinking of alternative medicine I have heard that bugs die in alcohol so here goes.  :P

Need a tip?

Here's one:

Hot water (tea) with brown sugar and a bit of Stroh Rum 80%.

That should do that trick.  :D
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Quote from: Iggy on Thu, 2009-12-03, 14:02:26
I have heard that bugs die in alcohol so here goes.  :P

I'd better be proactive .....

Seeya guys tomorrow  :)

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


I feel like I'm about to go and see my God daughter who is 4 1/2  ;D


Waiting for my brother to arrive. We are going to see Marillion tonight. Hes escaping from his 4 kids for the day!


Wasnt anything today that I felt like commenting on  :(

I think you guys could share a bit more. I'v contributed my bit. When Draco at 16 commendably shares his thoughts on religion and fate, then you older guys could also open up.

I don't understand why Roomies are so catatonic. If you guys listen to Arena and Clive's texts, then you should have something to say  ;)

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Quote from: Nicky007 on Mon, 2009-12-07, 13:45:13
Wasnt anything today that I felt like commenting on  :(

I think you guys could share a bit more. I'v contributed my bit. When Draco at 16 commendably shares his thoughts on religion and fate, then you older guys could also open up.

I don't understand why Roomies are so catatonic. If you guys listen to Arena and Clive's texts, then you should have something to say  ;)


I feel tired.  I just got back from a long weekend in Pennsylvania.  Much beer and Nicky-friendly food was consumed.  Now I need to wrestle with the new computer and get it internet-ready and loaded with my important files before this one gives up the ghost completely (the likelihood of which is why I got a new one despite tight finances).  And the people who are actually here to read this are less catatonic Room-wise than the rest.  Religion is not my topic of choice, but I'm sure I'll have sumpin to say about sumpin presently.
"What is that sound?  It's confusing, and boy is it loud!"