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How do you feel right now?

Started by Appelmoes??, Wed, 2005-10-26, 20:39:46

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I'm feeling a bit illish. Hmm, that's not a decent word, is it? Still it is how i feel right now. Not ill, not perfectly healthy, as if i will ever be perfectly healthy.  ::)

Somewhere in between.


Like this post.  :-\

Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


I am also feeling dodgy. I have been off work for the last 3 days and have not eaten in that time either  :'(

My aim for today is to keep some cup a soup down - and to listen to loads of good music  ;D

But , we have to take our 6 week old son to hospital this afternoon gor a check up on a possible clicky hip so fingers crossed that everything is fine


Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Cheers mate  :)

He was at the GP this morning and he has put on 2 pounds in 6 1/2 weeks and he is very strong , unlike his old man  ;) , and although 1 hip is more mobile than the other it does not seem o be anything to worry about - fingers crossed.


Quote from: funkster on Thu, 2007-01-18, 13:24:39
Cheers mate  :)

He was at the GP this morning and he has put on 2 pounds in 6 1/2 weeks and he is very strong , unlike his old man  ;) , and although 1 hip is more mobile than the other it does not seem o be anything to worry about - fingers crossed.

A niece of mine had the same thing but with her arm. At first it wasn't really mobile and it seemed to hurt when moving it. She's two and a half year now and she can actually defeat me with arm wrestling. So i'm sure and hope (;)) that everything will be okay with your son. Asked my wife about this and she says it's pretty common with youngsters. She's an obstetrician. :)
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Quote from: funkster on Thu, 2007-01-18, 10:14:31But , we have to take our 6 week old son to hospital this afternoon gor a check up on a possible clicky hip so fingers crossed that everything is fine

Quote from: funkster on Thu, 2007-01-18, 13:24:39He was at the GP this morning and he has put on 2 pounds in 6 1/2 weeks and he is very strong , unlike his old man  ;) , and although 1 hip is more mobile than the other it does not seem o be anything to worry about - fingers crossed.

Good to hear everything is gonna be fine! It's not a very bad handicap either (although I'm not sure in what state your child is of course...). I have something wrong with my hip too. Whenever I walk a lot and very long, my (left) shoulder starts to feel like I carried a horse with one hand... It's certainly not nice, 'cause I really like to walk the odd walk now and then. But it isn't that worrying either. Although in my case it's never been noted.
I still keep those fingers (and toes) crossed!

Quote from: maddox on Wed, 2007-01-17, 19:56:41I'm feeling a bit illish. Hmm, that's not a decent word, is it? Still it is how i feel right now. Not ill, not perfectly healthy, as if i will ever be perfectly healthy.  ::)

Somewhere in between.


Like this post.  :-\

Hope your doing better now maddox!

I feel very windy...

No, wrong word...
It's very windy and stormy outside and I feel uncomfortable with it.

I hope you don't gonna throw rotten food at me now...


Thanks for your kind thoughts everyone - the hospital confirmed that everything was fine so nothing more to worry about - phew  :)


I'm feeling great actually.

Today I saw that A.C.T will do a European Tour and I'll be there on the 16th of March in Plato, Helmond, The Netherlands.
And I can't wait! ;D

And today I had macaroni which was superb. Too bad my stomach is full now... It will empty itself sooner or later ( :P), but for now I feel full...


I'm still feeling illish though a bit more since my last post.  :'( Having a huge cold, muscle aches all over, soar throat.  :'( :'( :'(

And still i'm stubborn enough to go to work tomorrow.  :-\
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Quote from: maddox on Thu, 2007-01-25, 21:27:49
I'm still feeling illish though a bit more since my last post.  :'( Having a huge cold, muscle aches all over, soar throat.  :'( :'( :'(

And still i'm stubborn enough to go to work tomorrow.  :-\

You're really to hard on yourself...

Or you think you are very important! ;D


Quote from: PH on Thu, 2007-01-25, 21:33:13

Or you think you are very important! ;D

No, not really. Like many i'm also expendable.  :-\
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


So, since this morning it's official: From last Saturday on Mad's house is officially renamed into: Sickbay.

My wife has Bronchitis, my daughter has Chicken pox and i am blessed ( ::)) with a mild Pneumonia.  :'(

Please, don't come any closer than the street sign.  :-\
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Quote from: maddox on Mon, 2007-01-29, 16:33:14
So, since this morning it's official: From last Saturday on Mad's house is officially renamed into: Sickbay.

My wife has Bronchitis, my daughter has Chicken pox and i am blessed ( ::)) with a mild Pneumonia.  :'(

Please, don't come any closer than the street sign.  :-\
Get well soon, all of you!
'I will surrender my heart to the sky
Oh, our love doesn't end here, it lives forever on the wings of time'
Toto - Wings of time (Kingdom of Desire)


Maddox , hope the family are all feeling better soon mate


Thanx for the kind words guys. It helps.  *horns*
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Yeah maddox, hope everybody is okay soon....

Meanwhile, it's my turn to stand in line with people who I thought are always muuuuch older than me: people with a bad back. I can hardly move my headm always turns out that I must move the whole upper body... Will goto bed again...
Arriving somewhere, but not here....


Man... a lot of ill people here...

I hope everybody gets well soon!
Me myself is ill too... :-[
I got a cold complete with snot, cough, bleeding nose, headache and a constant pressure behind the eyes...


Well, I'm feeling fine right now, no viruses yet  :D. I wish Peter and PH a quick recovery too.
'I will surrender my heart to the sky
Oh, our love doesn't end here, it lives forever on the wings of time'
Toto - Wings of time (Kingdom of Desire)


Thnx, Peter.  ;)

Quote from: Teunis on Tue, 2007-01-30, 18:45:23
I wish Peter and PH a quick recovery too.

Yeah, what he said.  :D

Man, don't know what it is but there are quite a bunch of illish people here in the shattered rooms.  :-\

Pray for healthy times for all of those who are ill.  8)
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Why bad news when there's also good news?  :D

All is better now in Mad's house.  ;)

We're all recovering from last week's ordeal.  :-\
I'm not yet fully recovered from the mild pneumonia but i'm feeling good enough to go to work. Though my wife says i'm crazy.  ;) (which i probably am.  :-\)

Fortunately it's not really busy at work i think i can manage to stay alive until the end of the week.  ;D
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Quote from: maddox on Tue, 2007-02-06, 22:12:50
I'm not yet fully recovered from the mild pneumonia but i'm feeling good enough to go to work. Though my wife says i'm crazy.  ;) (which i probably am.  :-\)

If it's not your own business, she's absolutely right. Your boss is not going to say "thank you" or so for coming back, anyway...
Arriving somewhere, but not here....


Quote from: Peter on Wed, 2007-02-07, 09:28:23
If it's not your own business, she's absolutely right. Your boss is not going to say "thank you" or so for coming back, anyway...

You know Peter, you're absolutely right. But i was a quite bored at home, had nothing on my hands and really needed to do something.
Don't get me wrong, i love to be at home, being with my wife and daughter and if i wasn't ill i probably enjoyed it very much but laying on the couch all day doing nothing but being ill is not really my kind of day off. Like i said: i'll get bored doing that.  :-\

And knowing my boss: he most definitely will not ever say 'thank you'.  :-\
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


I'm ill again... :-\

Yesterday I had to vomit and on the other side (literally) every piece of food that I ate came out immediately in a very liquid brownish way...

Yuck... sorry...

And I have a terrible headache to go with it.
Flu... I guess... :'(

(I'm always ill when I do not have to go to school...)


Quote from: PH on Sat, 2007-02-17, 18:31:04
I'm ill again... :-\

For the youngster that you are, you're also ill very often, methinks....

Anyway, hope you're better soon! The wather is too nice to stay inside :D
Arriving somewhere, but not here....


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