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Dream Theater

Started by Deenfan, Sat, 2008-03-15, 20:51:14

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DT are now working hard at finding "the best fit behind the kit":


Most of all I feel: it's strange  :-\

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me

The Butterfly Man

Quote from: Nicky007 on Mon, 2011-04-18, 17:41:03
DT are now working hard at finding "the best fit behind the kit":


Most of all I feel: it's strange  ;)


Damn, you beat me to it by a minute! ;)

Oh well, the excitement begins NOW! *horns* *horns* *horns*

BTW: The 21st is one day after Mike Portnoy's birthday. Could this be his present to the fans? :P

There will be white clouds beyond the hills...


Quote from: The Butterfly Man on Mon, 2011-04-18, 17:44:10
Could this be his present to the fans? :P

That's pretty roundabout, Tom  :P

I'm of course curious to see who the DT-guys choose as their new drummer, but I'm equally curious to see where Mike finds his new lasting base. I'm sure you share this position, Tom  :)

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Quote from: Nicky007 on Tue, 2011-04-19, 16:43:03

I'm of course curious to see who the DT-guys choose as their new drummer, but I'm equally curious to see where Mike finds his new lasting base. I'm sure you share this position, Tom  :)


I doubt that Mike will join a different band, so soon.
He stated that there will be plenty projects in the near future that has the name 'Mike Portnoy' in it.
And since he will also tour with Neal during his Testimony II tour in the states, and that project with Morse, Morse, LaRue and Mcpherson I bet he's pretty busy at the moment.

I really doubt that Mike is still in DT or has returned.
If it's A: than a lot of die-hard DT fans will be very angry at him/them and if it's B: that would be a strange turn of events considering what they have said to each other through the media aften Mike left.

But...miracle do happen.
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.

The Butterfly Man

Quote from: Nicky007 on Tue, 2011-04-19, 16:43:03
I'm of course curious to see who the DT-guys choose as their new drummer, but I'm equally curious to see where Mike finds his new lasting base. I'm sure you share this position, Tom  :)

Yes I do indeed! 8)

Quote from: maddox on Tue, 2011-04-19, 17:00:32
He stated that there will be plenty projects in the near future that has the name 'Mike Portnoy' in it.
And since he will also tour with Neal during his Testimony II tour in the states, and that project with Morse, Morse, LaRue and Mcpherson I bet he's pretty busy at the moment.

You forgot his as of yet unnamed project with Russell Allen and a guitarist called Mike Orlando. *horns*

There will be white clouds beyond the hills...

The Butterfly Man

Guys, if you have a Facebook-account (hello Nicky, hello Mad), go to Dream Theater's page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dream-Theater/7677942180

They still haven't made an announcement regarding the new drummer, but there is a video in which you can see 7 contestants audition for the job. The video is set up like a trailer for a movie so they're still not giving anything away. I'm not sure if I like it though. On one side I do, it's nice to see that the band is alive and kicking, but on the other side I'm dying to know who the new drummer is and they still won't say! Plus, it seems that my favourite band is turning into some kind of marketing-machine so in that respect I'm a little disappointed.

Hmm, I guess I'm undecided. :-\

There will be white clouds beyond the hills...


I expect they'l choose a suitable drummer, and make another great album, but I'm not so much of a fan that I need to follow all the inbetweenies.

In my book, DT is definitely one of the most exciting bands around, together with Priest and Nevermore/Loomis. And there are lotta other great bands - all my pantheon bands, and many more  *horns*

I'm quite comfortable leaving it to Petrucci & Co. to choose the best fit for the kit  :)

But I'm sure as hell gonna miss Mikey on that post  :'(

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


Well, I didn't reckognize all of them but I certainly recognized Aquiles Priester and I am sure that, as a musician, he would be a great choice  *horns*


I did recognize a few.
Marco Minnesmann for instance, and Mike Mangini.

Great drummers indeed!

Marco already pointed out that he won't be the new DT drummer so that means : 1 down, six to go.

I'll put my money on Mike Mangini.
That dude is fast!

He holds the world record for the most single strokes per minute. 1247 hits, if i'm correct.  :o
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Mangini is a clear favorite according to the leaks.

Anyway, the announcement created an incredible buzz. So many people visited the facebook page of the band. The real winner here is the company that is producing the documentary to come. I don't know if it will be sold separately or in a SE of the forthcoming album but I admit that the trailer arose my curiosity, which was obviously the purpose.


A show-off video of each of the contenders towards the end of the page : http://forum.tdoe.net/viewtopic.php?t=3983&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60

I also found those statements on the web, supposed to come from the JP forum :

Peter Wildoer:
My audition started with two jams where we set the levels for in ears and just felt eachother out, musically that is.  After that we went through the three songs they sent me. I guess you'll get to know what songs it was on the next ep...isode of the DT video.  At last they wanted to try some new ideas. This was HAAAAAAAAARD! The ideas were in weird odd times and not one bar with the same meter. Very cool ideas and I got my head around it so and so after a while. If those ideas end up on the new DT album it will be PROG!  All drummers used the same kit, yes. Auditions were held in New York so no chance to bring my own. Chris, we had more than enough time to set up the drums how we wanted them. There was also a drum tech who helped out. I had no problems as I'm used to play rental kits etc when on tour.

Derek Roddy:
We jammed a little while....was cool but, the environment (in ears, video, etc...) didn't lend itself to a lot of creative moments...plus the fact that these guys we're trying to "jam" in odd times, etc....
Then they threw some riffs at me to see how quickly I could spit out complex stuff.
Now this...was fun but, at the same time....I could tell that they were looking for a dude that will come in....and record an entire record in the studio...on the spot.
I've never wanted to work that way..... as I believe that if the business (need to put out a record quickly) over trumps the musical vision (taking time and creating the best you can)
then that ultimately directs where the band ends up in the future.
I like to sit on riffs for a few days.... at least and create the best possible part (as opposed to the automatic one)
As far as the band being up front with their fans.......I'm sure they want too but, there are some legal issues that needs to be addressed and that takes precedence over what "can be said or announced".
I'm sure you guys can figure it out......and, I am certain that they knew who they wanted before these auditions were even thought about.
One thing that was said directly to me was....."whoever it will be.....it's got to be the fans choice...someone the fans are completely happy with".
I was very busy during that time period....only had a few weeks to learn a 20 minute song, a ballad, and a tech song with 30 part changes within the space of 3 minutes! Haha.

So we can conclude that it won't be Derek Roddy neither.


Quote from: Bupie on Sat, 2011-04-23, 09:42:45
the JP forum

'JP'  meaning what, Bups ?

Interesting comments. Thanx, Bups  :)

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me


You're welcome Nicky  ;)

JP = John Petrucci (but I found the infos on a French website).


Quote from: Nicky007 on Sat, 2011-04-23, 10:21:57
'JP'  meaning what, Bups ?

I'll put my money on John Petrucci. ;)

Edit: Right. ... .  ::) ;D

QuoteInteresting comments. Thanx, Bups  :)


Interesting indeed!
I agree on your assumption regarding that Roddy dude.
By the looks of it, he actually says that being in DT or in any band for that matter isn't the way he likes it to be.

That means ... two down, five to go?

Must add that I do not really like Peter Wildoer's style.  ???

More metallish than proggy to my liking.
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Quote from: maddox on Sat, 2011-04-23, 21:42:29
I'll put my money on John Petrucci. ;)

I don't give a damn for yer marshmonies  :P

In my world, JP can equally well mean Judas Priest, or Just Playing - or John Pyung  :P :P

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me

The Butterfly Man

Here is the first episode featuring what went on since September last year and Mike Mangini's audition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L609JsPFmmI&feature=channel_video_title

I believe there will be 2 more episodes after this one...

Exciting times!

There will be white clouds beyond the hills...


Good lord!!!

John .... Spoke!!!!  :o :o :o :o :o
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.


Despite the marketing buzz, I really liked this first episode and I am happy that it was delivered for free.

Plus, during the 20 minutes, somebody new to DT can hear so many great songs in the background  *horns*

About Mangini, I have to say that I am afraid of the "too much" syndrom. If he gets in a competition with Rudess and/or Petrucci to see who can play the fastest-most complex parts, this could come to the detriment of the melody. This is already what I feel about Rudess solos and Rudess/Petrucci interplay so I'd better see a drummer who would lead the band to more sobriety while still bringing in new ideas. Minnemann would maybe be the best choice in this perspective (even if he denied on his website, according to Mad).


Quote from: Bupie on Tue, 2011-04-26, 14:25:16
..(even if he denied on his website, according to Mad).

At the time I wrote that, I wasn't sure where I read it but now I do.
I actually read it at the Blabbermouth site and given the fact that Blabbermouth is more rumour than reality sometimes, it easily could be a false statement.
They aren't always a reliable source.
If you give this some thought, it could actually make some sense though...

Just slightly spread the rumour that Marco isn't the 'one' and it will make it's way to the fans and critics. The chances are high that they will believe it then and that gives DT the chance to record the new album without anyone paying attention at Marco.
This could be a tactic move. :)

And about the vid's; it's beginning to look like that this is the DT version of a soap.
I think that the guys wanted to use it to bring DT closer to the fans, or give the fans a look inside the DT-kitchen but I'm sure it's also a great marketing move.

Clever dudes, those guys from DT and Roadrunner.
They know how to handle the media.
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.

The Butterfly Man

Quote from: maddox on Wed, 2011-04-27, 09:31:21
Blabbermouth is more rumour than reality sometimes

Sometimes? :o


By the way, keep an eye on RoadRunner's Youtube-channel as they will be uploading the second episode today around 5 PM (Dutch time ;))!

It's online: http://www.youtube.com/user/RoadrunnerRecords?blend=6&ob=5

And now I'm off to watch it! :)

There will be white clouds beyond the hills...

The Butterfly Man

Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want Marco Minneman to be in Dream Theater! What a great guy! *horns* *horns* *horns*

There will be white clouds beyond the hills...


Quote from: The Butterfly Man on Wed, 2011-04-27, 17:36:44
Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want Marco Minneman to be in Dream Theater! What a great guy! *horns* *horns* *horns*


He is!  *horns*
Cool t-shirt by the way.  ;D

I was a bit dissapointed with Roddy (actually the first time I saw and heard him play) and Thomas Lang did okay but the two drummers in this episode clearly were Donati and Minneman.  *horns* *horns* *horns*

But... overall I must say that Virgil, whilst he's very good indeed, won't fit the profile that the guys have in mind and I do believe that both Mangini and Minneman have the best odds for now!

But then again, we haven't watch the third episode yet.

Now ... as a appatizer. ... read this. ;)

I rest my case.
Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.

The Butterfly Man

The third and final episode (including the announcement of the new drummer!!): http://www.youtube.com/user/RoadrunnerRecords#p/u/0/2QHMQjH17aw

I shall refrain from spoilers for now. :)


There will be white clouds beyond the hills...


Disappointed twice.

First with Priester's performance, he seemed so stressed and worried :P

Second with Mangini's choice and reaction : so too much, so ... American  :( and the use of the word "tsunami", even if it was told and recorded before the actual tsunami is not exactly subtle after the japanese tragedy.

Worst of all, I fear that DT becomes some kind of technical circus where everyone (but JM) tries to show that he is the best musician in the world to the detriment of music sobriety. Too bad, just when MP had completed his AA program  :(

I hope they will prove me wrong, though ...


Quote from: The Butterfly Man on Fri, 2011-04-29, 17:45:40
The third and final episode (including the announcement of the new drummer!!)

Man, these guys are supercool, including their visiting drummers  *horns*

And that Aquiles had problems gettin his visa for an audition with the one and only DT  ::)

Can't people recognise talent any longer  :'(

Whew, I really enjoyed watching the videos, much more than I expected - as enjoyable as watching a Kubrick movie. What genius !!!  Thanx, Tom  8)

I havent gotten to the end yet, so I still donno  ???

So you've come of age
And so you want to meet God
Sure you can
He's right here next to me