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Fan Club - to be or not to be

Started by Clive, Wed, 2007-09-19, 13:52:57

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That was exactly what I meant: there are lots of Arena fans out there who never (or hardly ever) post on this forum. But they do exist. Maybe those are the ones who really need a non-virtual fanclub and a mag. (ok, that's me I'm describing. I confess...)


Hi from Portugal
Fisrt post here.
I'm more a reader not much a writer, but i'm here to "say" that Arena can count on me.

Yes to the fan club.


Jon Risby

Hi Clive

A little belated, but I'd be up for a fan club.  Someone else mentioned the Marillion model, and I have to say that I would agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment.  Both their Web, where we get a free CD each Christmas and a magazine a few times a year, or indeed their Front Row Club where members can get live music on Cd (download from next year, not quite as good, but if I want to hear the music I am happy to go along with that) work excellently. 

As far as Arena are concerned I would be happy to support them 100% with whatever you proposed. If old live material was available, Making of CDs and/or magazines I'd be happy to pay for it. 

At the end of the day if I get more music, and the band get more money (to enable them to continue to make more music) then I feel almost duty bound to support them.  And I would be happy to do so.

Jon Risby
Ashford, Kent


Quote from: Jon Risby on Fri, 2007-11-23, 12:15:13
Hi Clive

A little belated, but I'd be up for a fan club.  Someone else mentioned the Marillion model, and I have to say that I would agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment.  Both their Web, where we get a free CD each Christmas and a magazine a few times a year, or indeed their Front Row Club where members can get live music on Cd (download from next year, not quite as good, but if I want to hear the music I am happy to go along with that) work excellently. 

As far as Arena are concerned I would be happy to support them 100% with whatever you proposed. If old live material was available, Making of CDs and/or magazines I'd be happy to pay for it. 

At the end of the day if I get more music, and the band get more money (to enable them to continue to make more music) then I feel almost duty bound to support them.  And I would be happy to do so.
Jon Risby
Ashford, Kent

First of all, welcome to the Room, Jon!  :)

And second, see, Nicky, if only a few more fans were that dedicated...! It doesn't really matter if it's Arena, Pendragon, Caamora or NEO you're supporting - there's pretty much the same people involved, so I guess all their other bands would benefit as well!


Spending cash on band stuff, is the least people can do in return for the emotions those bands treat us with.
For some good reading visit:""Fluffy Kittens of DOOM"!

My drawings on MySpace


Quote from: Appelmoes?? on Fri, 2007-11-23, 12:52:49
Spending cash on band stuff, is the least people can do in return for the emotions those bands treat us with.

Quite right, so please, Clive, give us a chance to do so!! :)



what is IT going to be, that is.



Count me in too!

I think the fan club idea is great--I would be willing to pay for it.  For me living in the states and having never seen Arena live, any information that I can watch/hear/read about the band is welcome.  It would supplement all of your releases (CDs/DVDs) which I have already purchased.  I also like the idea of a virtual club--since I know how much it can cost for printing and postage, and the time it takes for the material to get to some of us who live across the seas.

Jerry F.


So... plenty of support.... Great!  :)

Now then... who would run this 'all new, revamped' Arena fan club (Erik, I know you're reading this stuff...;)?
Who wants to take the responsibility of reaching out for members, putting together a regular magazine...reminding the band members to contribute... coming up with 'special deals' and maybe events.... staying on top of the membership fees etc etc etc...   ??
And most of all.... who would be able to sustain the energy and effort this demands.... for more than just a few months!!.....??


Quote from: Cálix on Thu, 2007-11-22, 13:57:45
Hi from Portugal
Fisrt post here.
I'm more a reader not much a writer, but i'm here to "say" that Arena can count on me.

Yes to the fan club.

Hi, I just realize that you didn't get a welcome message. So welcome  :)  Nice to have somebody from Portugal here. Maybe you could tell us about your musical profile in the dedicated post (in order to stay on topic here) ?


Quote from: Clive on Mon, 2007-12-10, 08:51:36
So... plenty of support.... Great!  :)

Now then... who would run this 'all new, revamped' Arena fan club (Erik, I know you're reading this stuff...;)?
Who wants to take the responsibility of reaching out for members, putting together a regular magazine...reminding the band members to contribute... coming up with 'special deals' and maybe events.... staying on top of the membership fees etc etc etc...   ??
And most of all.... who would be able to sustain the energy and effort this demands.... for more than just a few months!!.....??

I think wherever possible and if they are willing, then the original Cage team would seem to be the best way forward. It would certainly be the easiest option although perhaps some sort of 'think tank' from members of this forum could assist with ideas and suggestions.

...for it is a human number,
It's number is six hundred and sixty six.


Quote from: Clive on Mon, 2007-12-10, 08:51:36
So... plenty of support.... Great!  :)

Now then... who would run this 'all new, revamped' Arena fan club (Erik, I know you're reading this stuff...;)?
Who wants to take the responsibility of reaching out for members, putting together a regular magazine...reminding the band members to contribute... coming up with 'special deals' and maybe events.... staying on top of the membership fees etc etc etc...   ??
And most of all.... who would be able to sustain the energy and effort this demands.... for more than just a few months!!.....??

If I wasn't busy with Ayreon stuff (Fanmeet), I would seriously think about it. So sorry Clive. :-\
For some good reading visit:""Fluffy Kittens of DOOM"!

My drawings on MySpace


I've only recently "discovered" Arena and Pendragon and have just finished buying all the back catelogue CDs and DVDs.  This is my first post on the Forum.

I would join an Arena/Pendragon fan club that provided enhanced access to the music - that's what it's all about for me.  Just tell me where to join!

I am a member of the Genesis fan club because of the DVD that's promised for early 2008. 

I'm also a member of Neal Morse's Inner Circle which has a different set up.  In return for regular monthly payments of $12 members receive either a CD or DVD every two months.  The quality of the CDs and DVDs has been variable but the good stuff ("?" live CD and live tour DVD) has easily been worth the money.


Quote from: mdread666 on Tue, 2007-12-11, 11:29:38
I think wherever possible and if they are willing, then the original Cage team would seem to be the best way forward. It would certainly be the easiest option although perhaps some sort of 'think tank' from members of this forum could assist with ideas and suggestions.

The members of this forum should definitely function as a think tank, but I don't think it should be limited to just thinking. Active participation in managing the fan club and the magazine is needed. There are some of the original Cage team still interested in contributing (me being one of them). But we definitely need more people and some 'fresh minds' to run things smoothly.


I would really like to contribute to the fan club (for example write for the magazine, do proof-reading etc.), but I cannot promise that I'll have time to do it on a regular basis...  :-\ I'd hate making promises that I can't keep!


Quote from: bluepony on Fri, 2007-12-21, 08:50:05
I would really like to contribute to the fan club

Me too!

Quote from: bluepony on Fri, 2007-12-21, 08:50:05
but I cannot promise that I'll have time to do it on a regular basis

Me too!

Quote from: bluepony on Fri, 2007-12-21, 08:50:05
I'd hate making promises that I can't keep!

Me too!


I will certainly join the fan club. I discovered Arena about 3 years ago when I bought 'The Visitor' at a local record fair and was completely blown away by the music. Next I bought the entire Arena discography and look forward to attend my first Arena concert ever in April (Ittervoort). Just want to add that I ordered (and already received) the 2 available Cage fan club releases this week and want to thank the Verglas guys for their excellent service.


Quote from: Niquicho on Thu, 2007-11-08, 10:46:19
That was exactly what I meant: there are lots of Arena fans out there who never (or hardly ever) post on this forum. But they do exist. Maybe those are the ones who really need a non-virtual fanclub and a mag. (ok, that's me I'm describing. I confess...)

I must admit I'm this kind of fan.  I'm reading sometimes, but not posting a lot.  Beside, I check the Arena Website and the news to know how it's going, when they'll release a new album, and the tour dates of course because I wouldn't miss an opportunity to see them!!!  :)

I'm acting the same for other bands I like, it means maybe not really be a fan the way you imagine i, or maybe I'm too fond of too many bands ;D.  I like those bands, I'm always wainting to see them for gigs (and particularly when we can meet bands members after), impatient to buy new album...  now I'm just thrilled about the new Ayreon to come out end of the month, but also to the new Arena and seeing them on stage because I saw some gigs dates for April so... 
But I'm not the one going to follow the tour and taking part to gigs in Holland, Belgium and France on the same tour.

I hope my thoughs are understandable because it's quite difficult to explain.  ;D

Beside all this, it's very nice to see a band so much listening to people who like their music, and asking questions like this one by Clive, to make things go the best way it could be, taking into account of everyone ... So thank you very much for that too, because it makes Arena something more than "just" music!  *horns*